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JQ on Technology
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Op-Ed: Twitter vs. Journalist

Posting an e-mail address online gets an account closed--and then reinstated.


Apple and RIM Have Auto Desires

The companies are planning to make their smart phones more car friendly.


Smart Phone Alternatives

Why is Apple suing HTC? Take a look at HTC's $200 HD2 and you'll understand why.


The Summer of 3D

Electronics companies are rolling out their expensive 3D wares.


Volvo Brakes for Walkers

A first-of-its-kind auto braking system promises to change pedestrian safety forever.


Bright Ideas In LEDs

A lamp from Humanscale and speakers from Klipsch show the technology's promise.


Mercedes Safety Car

The ESF safety vehicle contains a welter of new tech that could save lives.


TV Goes Mobile

Broadcasters want to reach viewers away from home.


Google vs. China

Behind the headlines is an ongoing cyberwar of hacker vs. hacker.

CES and 3D TV

Consumer electronics companies try to push 3D TVs and disc players, plus a whole lot more.

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Wiindows 7 Ready?

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Wi-Fi for the Road

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Goodbye HDD, Hello SDD?


WebWars: A new gaming universe

Take over Google, rule BritneySpears.com, or smack down MarthaSteward.com...

Kindle e-book

Amazon's new e-book device takes a page from Apple's marketing manual.

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For JQ's speaking engagements, click here.
"It can't just be cool.
To be worth your time and money,
technology must either help your business,
improve your life,
or give you more time with your family."
-- JQ at The New York Times Small Business Summit

John Quain conducts seminars and delivers presentations on the latest technology trends for large and small businesses. He reports extensively on digital rights management issues, IP video, VoIP, in-car systems, computers, consumer electronics, and so-called Web 2.0 businesses.

If you would like to book JQ for a speaking engagement, please e-mail him at jq@j-q.com



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