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The last analog holdout—local AM and FM radio—is going digital. Dubbed HD Radio, the new stations can be tuned in at the same frequencies as the old static-filled stations, and you’ll even find some new programming. It sounds as good as, or better than, satellite radio, and it’s free. See JQ’s article in Sunday’s New York Times for more.

March 26, 2007

Next week: Legal Help Online...Honest

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The much ballyhooed Apple TV box finally arrived in stores this week. It’s designed to feed video from your computer to your living room high-definition television. Many reviewers sounded its praises, but it’s not quite the miracle device some seem to think it is. In fact, your cable box can do more.

For technology news and views visit JQ’s Blog. This week: why Cablevision lost against the movie studios and networks.


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When eBay bought Skype in 2005 for $2.6 billion, many analysts ridiculed the purchase. But no one’s laughing now. The company will soon enable electronic money transfers over Skype, tapping 171 million potential customers and threatening Western Union and MasterCard’s business.